Friday, 13 December 2013

Drafting and planning- Using Page Plus

I choose to use red text because i thought it was the color that would stand out the most against the black background. I chose this main image is Eminem is looking at the customer and therefor attracts them more. His hands are reaching out and i think this creates an extremely good effect. The cover line look good against  the edges of the magazine instead of in the middle and not have all of the words touching the edges.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Research into similar products- Questionaires- What people would like to see in my magazine

Here is what people would like to see in my magazine. It lets me know that people want to know a lot about the artists who their music influences are, their character profile and how they got started. I will try and include as much of this in my double page spread as i can. 

Drafting and planning- Draft double page spread

Here is a draft of my double page spread. I like the idea of having the main letter of something important behind the text. I like this because i think that it makes the magazine look different and more interesting. The writing above will still be easily readable but it will not just be on a blank background so there is more to look at. 

Drafting and planning- Draft front cover

Here is a draft of how i want my front cover to be laid out. I have not put writing in there or used my own pictures as this is just a draft. Here all of the cover lines are around the edges of my magazine so that the main image can be seen. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Research into similar products- Draft contents

I have looked at these contents pages so that i can get ideas for my contents page.

This is a draft layout for my contents page. In the boxes i will put the page number and next to it will be what is on each page. I want a picture to cover the background to keep the page interesting.