Thursday, 12 September 2013

Target audiance- Questionnaire results/analysis

1.What does school mean to you?
90% of people said education
30% of people said friends
10% said the future
10% said not a lot
These results show that school mainly means education, this could be in my magazine as it could show the 10% of students that think it does not mean a lot that education is important, it shows a high level of pupils in sixth form that think education is important.

2.What subjects most popular?
30% said Biology
10% said English
60% said P.E
A high percent of people said P.E is the most popular, this may be because it is a active subject and people enjoy it. some subjects were not even mentioned showing that pupils have to same views on what subject is the most popular.

3.Do you enjoy School?
40% of people said sometimes
60% of people said Yes
No one said that they do not enjoy school this is an extremely positive thing to see.

4.Is skipping school a problem in your eyes?
50% said yes and 50% said no
Having split views shows how the problem is neutral.

5.Is the use of technology rising in lessons?
20% said no
80% said yes
Technology is filling our every day lives and becoming better and better all of the time, and schools are trying to use technology more and more to have a diverse way of learning. some students have not noticed a change, perhaps only certain teachers use technology and some don't.

6.What colors would you put in the school magazine?
40% said red and black
30% said house colors
10% said orange
20% said vibrant colors
Red and black are the school pictures so people are bound to choose these colors, and 30% said house colors, i think this would be better to do because it is not the obvious option and all the colors may make the magazine jump out at the readers more.

7.What pictures would you put in a school magazine?
70% said pictures of the school
10% said happy pictures
10% said team pictures
10% said pictures relevant to the information inside
A large amount of people said pictures about the school, but this could be a range of all different things, team pictures would be a good thing to include.

8.Would you like to see any competitions inside?
80% said yes
20% said maybe
This enables me to make the choice of having a competition but only one, as 80% would like to see a picture included.

9.What news would you like to find out about school?
40% said results
40% said about team competitions
20% said anything relevant
I will include all this information in the magazine as these were the only choices people wanted to see and none are below 20%.

10.Do you think staying on at A level is important
100% said yes
This is a positive statistic that will be shown in my magazine.

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